
The Forgotten Prophet's Book of Dreams

Forward to the "Forgotten Prophet's Book of Dreams."

In the autumn of 1986 I had a very short dream. When the dream began, I was sitting at a large table that looked as if it had been hewn from great logs. The top was very smooth from use. Jesus, the only other occupant at the table, handed me a large, dusty, gray hardback book and said, "I am commissioning you to write this book. Entitle it, The Forgotten Prophet's Book of Dreams."

Approximately one year later a prophet, who knew nothing at all about the dream, prophesied that it was time to start writing the book that the Lord had asked me to write.

Only a few evenings later an anointing overshadowed me. I became anxious, and then an audible voice said, "Abernathy went for a walk." I was so puzzled by this statement that I forgot about being anxious. The same audible voice soon chided me because I had been anxious and then said, "Write this down" and then began quoting the first poem in this book which begins, "Behold the long hills of life..." When the poem's recitation had ended, I received an impression that more poems would come and that I wasn't to give them titles.

I went to visit the prophet who had recently told me it was time to begin writing. When I told him that the Lord had said, "Abernathy went for a walk," his immediate response was that the Lord had called me Abernathy because I was trying to figure out with my intellect what could only be revealed by His Spirit. He also added that Abernathy symbolized my intellect and worldly wisdom.

Over the years I have discovered that such dreams as the one described above were fairly literal, but that many of my dreams from the Lord have three common elements, stage props, symbolic prophetic elements and literal prophetic elements.

While some dreams appear to be mainly my mind trying to puzzle things out, some seem quite prophetic. I have also found that many of the dreams end up being true, but I have misinterpreted
them. I feel very sure that the Lord gave me the book of poetry, but as far as the book actually being entitled, "The Forgotten Prophet's Book of Dreams," whether that is supposed to be the actual title, I don't know.

On August 14th, 1998, Steven Darryl Cook, Sr., known as Cookie, called and left a message on my answering machine, "Wayno! This is Cookie. I was just readin' your poems. The Lord laid it on my
heart to read that tonight. I was sittin' there readin' that. Those are really good brother...I had one thing. I think that you should seek the Lord on the titles. Not the titles of the poems. The title of the book..."

What a surprise! I had given him a copy of the poems a year or more before that and he hadn't seemed interested in reading them. Only the first poem was spoken to me directly. After that, I just
felt the anointing and then would write down a poem or two. I don't think I even edited them, except to correct a few typos. Over the decades I may have changed a word or two, but they have been altered very little. A few came to me in dreams. After a few weeks or a month the anointing lifted and I stopped writing poems in that manner. I never received any further poems, in that way, although in 1991 I began to receive songs in dreams.