Blessing Question
One of David Dyer’s frequent casual distributors, a local Bibler teacher from Africa, emailed me a question recently. I decided to share the exchange. On Saturday, January 14, 2023 at 04:05:54 AM CST, Robert Arthur <[email protected]> wrote: What does it mean by the blessings of God? wayne oconner <[email protected]> To:Robert Arthur Sat, Jan 14…
Read MoreNovember 2022 Blog
Happy Thanksgiving (belated)! Still being blessed by John Fenn’s teaching Video’s. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=john+fenn+videos&qpvt=john+fenn+videos&FORM=VDRE I have been thinking this week about the song “Peter walked on the Water,” that Jesus gave me almost a decade ago. So, I decided to look for it so I could post about it today. https://wayneoconner.com/peter-walked-on-the-water/ I lost it once and then…
Read MoreNovember 2022 Blog: Blessed with New House Church Teaching Videos! And Excerpts from KL2.
Blessed with New House Church Teaching Videos! And Excerpts from KL2. Jesus has blessed me with John Fenn’s teaching videos. John Zens, a well-known House Church writer and conventioneer, who is a personal friend of mine, suggested Fenn’s website decades ago and I forgot about it. Recently I was surfing you-tube for Christian documentaries,…
Read MorePractice Christian Mentoring NOT False-Shepherd Mentoring
Practice Christian Mentoring NOT False-Shepherd Mentoring! Just this morning David Dyer sent me a new article. An edited and updated version will probably appear in a new book or video in the future. I will put the article and David’s photo after my intro. I enjoyed the article so much that I sent David a…
THOUGHTS ON ECCLESIASTES 11:1-2 Robert is a Bible teacher from Africa. He requests books from David Dyer’s “A Grain of Wheat Ministries” which I distribute around the world for that ministry. Robert frequently poses very interesting questions. Very uniquely, most of the time when Robert sends a question, I receive a word of wisdom that…
Read MoreBlog for August 8, 2022
Hello friends! Hope you liked the free copy of Waysides Along the Journey! Another free book coming soon. As Christopher Lloyd stated in “Back to the Future Part” 1, “Please excuse the crudity of this model.” https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=please+excuse+the+crudity+of+this+model&view=detail&mid=2D79704C7ACFE1A7A5462D79704C7ACFE1A7A546&FORM=VIRE One point for Amazon, it did provide some esthetically appealing books for me while I was able to…
KEN WELKER sent me an email today containing a recent prophetic incident in my life. The prophecy seems to parallel my book THE COMING JUDGMENT OF AMERICA. Here is the message Ken sent. From: Ken Welker <[email protected]>Date: July 27, 2022 at 6:12:45 PM CDTSubject: Vision I forgot about this from April. Thanks, Ken Begin forwarded message:…
https://www.amazon.com/Waysides-Along-Journey-Stirring-Rhetoric/dp/146643449X/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1T53K1K40P4WS&keywords=wayside+2+wayne+o%27conner&qid=1658947418&sprefix=waysides+2+wayne+o%27conner%2Caps%2C96&sr=8-1 WAYSIDES ALONG THE JOURNEY 2: WHITE NOISE AND STIRRING RHETORIC Waysides Along the Journey 2: white noise and stirring rhetoric Published by Wayne O’Conner, WAYNO’S WAYSIDE PUBLISHING Printing History First Printing by Wayne O’Conner 2011 All rights reserved by Wayne O’Conner Copyright 2011 Wayne O’Conner…
Read MoreMy Kingdom Lessons 2 teaching on “Saving Faith” is still available at Soundcloud!
My Kingdom Lessons Two teaching on “Saving Faith” is still available at Soundcloud! Recently in my blog I mentioned how YouTube said that my mention of John 3:16 in my scriptural teachings qualified my videos as porn. While they totally removed some teachings, others were made so that only viewers who were…
Read MoreJULY 2022 UPDATE
JULY 2022 UPDATE I have long moved from the storefront pictured in my long-ago former update, pictured below. The utilities were amazingly high, and it flooded when it rained and during the late winter thaws. Now I live in a downstairs apartment about five blocks away from the old storefront that I…
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