IS IT WRONG FOR A CHRISTIAN TO SALUTE A NATIONAL FLAG OR NATIONAL LEADER OR SING THE ANTHEM? Another great question from Robert Arthur, a pastor from Africa who distributes David Dyer’s Christian materials. If you wish to view or order David’s materials please follow the link to the right of his photo (below).…
Read MoreKnights In Jesus Service
Hello readers, I really should have done a separate blog for the Relaunch Ministries Seminar https://liferelaunch.org/contact and for the dream “BECKONING HANDS OF GOOD AND EVIL.” It has been almost a month since the seminar. Maybe, as the dream seems to connect to elements in the letter to Michael and Ken, the timing is…
Read MoreCampfires and Kitchen Prayer Dreams
Campfires and Kitchen Prayer Dreams I awoke from a dream at 4 A.M. on June 8th, 2023. I had just had 5 or 6 dreams, that I remember, around the same subject matter but didn’t wake up between. In the last several weeks I have had a few dreams about this same topic. When I…
GREETINGS & SALUTATIONS RADIO SHOW @ SPREAKER Great News! A few of my old podcasts survived THE PURGE! They may be found at the following links: https://www.spreaker.com/show/their-hearts-are-far-from-me https://www.spreaker.com/show/battle-training-for-the-bride-of-christ https://wayneoconner.com/greetings-and-salutations-radio-show-smoke-mirrors-and-mystics/ Tower prophecies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4BRAyPYqhA From the office of Wayne O’Conner:
Read MoreWaysides Along the Journey 7, Chapter 4
Waysides Along the Journey 7, Chapter Four: Salvation is the Gate Here is a book I published in 2018. Someone told Amazon that I never wrote this or any of the books I have written. I couldn’t afford to defend myself so I was no longer able to sell my books. Click on the…
Read MoreBaptism of the Dead?
Robert Arthur, a local minister in Africa, who receives David Dyer’s (retired missionary and author) books asked another question via email. Here is his letter: Baptism for the dead 2 Yahoo/Inbox Robert Arthur <[email protected]> To:wayne oconner Wed, Apr 12 at 2:42 PM Is baptism for the dead biblical? Did the Apostle Paul endorse such practices. 1 Cor…
Read MoreDonation to Jim Wilhelmsen
Years ago – actually decades ago, I read Jim’s book BEYOND SCIENCE FICTION and began listening to his podcasts on Echoes of Enoch. Echoes Of Enoch I even wrote him a few emails and sent him a box of books to put in his bookstore in the Science Fiction museum. I track of him after…
Read MoreNew Office Photos
New Office Arrangement While putting together a slide show for Diane’s Celebration of Life, I took pictures of the new office area. Same office, but new arrangement of desks, inventory and assembly tables. A few months ago, since postal regs changed, we had to switch to sending packets of individual books, rather than combining two…
A FOND GOODBYE TO LADY DI On January 29th, 2023, a few minutes before 8 A.M. I awoke from a short and vivid dream about Diane Knorn. In the dream, I saw Diane walking toward me. I didn’t realize it until long after I awoke that, in the dream, we were in the hallway…
Read MoreJob 1:21
“… the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” Job 1:21
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