KEN WELKER sent me an email today containing a recent prophetic incident in my life. The prophecy seems to parallel my book THE COMING JUDGMENT OF AMERICA.



Here is the message Ken sent.

From: Ken Welker <[email protected]>
Date: July 27, 2022 at 6:12:45 PM CDT

Subject: Vision

I forgot about this from April. 



Begin forwarded message:

“From: Sharon Welker 
Date: April 10, 2019 at 9:04:41 AM CDT
To: Sharon Welker 
Subject: Vision

Ken and I were reading the Word this morning, Isaiah 9 and 10, and afterward, Ken’s vision blurred and his head swam. This is what God said to him:

For as you have read, in ancient days My anger was kindled hot against my people. For they were wicked and the stench of their sin became unbearable. America, your sin has reached a level I can no longer tolerate. My judgement upon your land has already begun. But as My anger increases, My hand against your country will be fully stretched out. Prepare and woe. Prepare and woe. My anger is hot.

My children, prepare, for you have never seen judgement like that is to come. This is not about a rapture, but about a remnant. This is about My light shining through My chosen ones. To you and Sharon, prepare, focus, seek Me. Time is short. Truly, calamity is at the door.

Woe to those who do not fear Me. For My hand will not spare those who mock.

Know this, My children. I love you. I have prepared for you. Seek Me and serve Me as I have called you.

Know this. That I love you. Gold and silver will be of no value. The demons that will be release will ravage the land. Only I can offer you shelter from the coming storm. Seek Me.

The Lord told Ken that we were to write it down and give it to all our family.”

End of Vision Message from Ken.





For my readers, I try to be flexible and non-dogmatic when discussing prophecy, but I have had to provide hard words as in my book The Coming Judgment of America.  Ken’s vision seems to dovetail well with my book, so, with Ken’s permission I recorded his vision in my daily wayneoconner.com blog.

By the way, while using Google to find my blog entry for the book mentioned above, this morning, to send to Ken, I found a book written by Wayne O’Connor -that isn’t me, called Revolting Limericks.  It was posted with book information of mine and with two of my pictures. I am not Wayne O’Connor. I am Wayne O’Conner with an er at the end.

The book, Revolting Limericks, is not mine. The same type of thing happened at Amazon where a book about two “alternate lifestyle” male werewolves and their erotic adventures were being posted as one of my books. When I complained to Amazon, they said there was nothing they would or could do about it.

Thank you, author Wayne T. O’Conn”er” with an er at the end!

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