What people are saying about my new book, Spirit Husband:

It is well written and the dialogue is crisp. Sometimes it is humorous and at other times it grabs you. Very intriguing concept, as far as Jesus, being a character. Some people will love it. Others will hate it.
Mark of Kennan
I like all of your Jesus Adventure Stories, but I really like this one, because Willow is a prophetic reflection of many of the independent and rebellious men and women who think they know Jesus, but don’t, who fill the contemporary church.
Greg of Mohawk Lane
I like the way you explain things. And the story is really interesting! Just like with that other story, the female character in Flowers from Jesus, Willow was so interesting and real, I wanted to meet her.
Rod of Curtis
Your book is good! I immediately read it a second time. It is a complex story. I really identified with the character, Willow of Ladysmith!
Pamela of Riverside
I absolutely loved it!! I listened to it straight thru, all day!!
Tara of Sellville, after listening to the audio edition.
The Story:
Willow, a baby Christian, while dabbling with New Age Crystal Magic, ends up being invited to a seminar hosted by Nordic Aliens.
From there she is sent to a Spirit Husband, named Mr. Alf, who was once the son of a Watcher Fallen Angel and the instructor of mixed martial arts and small weapons for an ancient Pre-flood mercenary army.
Mr. Alf owns Alf’s Fight Club on a pocket-world in another dimension where he vacations, like some of us own a cabin on a lake, from his day job of running the north-east quadrant of the United States, for his fallen angel boss, the Dark Prince of America.
Against her will, a scantily clad Willow is forced to learn the art of kick boxing. She is also used by her new Spirit Husband for other purposes. Jesus arranges to rescue her, but first she has to repent and accept His help!
Link to Amazon:
http://Link to the paperback and digital editions of Spirit Husband at Amazon: Find out how Willow gets captured by a Spirit Husband and is rescued! https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=spirit+husband+by+wayne+o%27conner+&rh=n%3A283155%2Ck%3Aspirit+husband+by+wayne+o%27conner+